Saturday, September 22, 2012

Daily post 4.4 Miles Thursday Sept 20th

After the broken toes derailed my efforts....I slacked off for a bit......Sure I did some swimming but not enough....And Fear kept me from starting up my runs again....Fear of my toe not healing properly.....Well I finally made it back and just in time.....It is so much easier not to exercise and I was falling back into that lazy attitude that made HE FAT possible.....So I back and boy that first day back feel like a first day back....

Thursday Sept 20th
449.2  Miles so far  in 2012

Virtual run to Canada since  Feb 14  2011   1334.38  

107 miles to Canada

Sunday, September 2, 2012

3 Miles in the Pool Easier than I thought...Challenge completed.

Brad's Aquaman challenge is complete..  (No I didn't go out into the ocean and try to talk to the fish.).....
This year's fitness challenge was Aquatic in nature do to the broken toe......A 3 Mile swim in the pool.....(480 lengths)...It was a mental hurdle....The number was intimidating---you know when you are 10 lengths in and still have 470 to go......But with the help of some surf tunes on the swim headphones and a good attitude the challenge went smooth.   I love swimming....If I had my own pool I think I would just swim 2 miles a day  and put the running shoes out to pasture.    I'm going to take advantage of the my folks pool this week while they are out of town this week  (if I don't wake up with incredibly sore shoulders in the morning that is)......A week of hard core swimming sounds great...If I was rich and had my own pool and didn't have to work....I feel like I could do this 5 times a week.  Then I might actually look like Aquaman  (without the lame outfit of course)

So onto the next challenge.....I've done a fitness challenge each of the last 3 years as I put He Fat in his grave.....The first year was the Stud Ironmen  (from Jr Lifeguard days) Last year the 13 miles and a slice of cheesecake and today the 3 mile Aquaman challenge........
What should the next challenge be???  Help me decide....give me some suggestions???

I'm thinking maybe a Run swim run........1 1/2 miles in the pool  followed by a 10 mile run and  then another  1 1/2 miles in the pool.......Basically a 10 and 3...  What do you suggest?