Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Virtually Running your way to a Fitter you!

Virtually running your way to a  a Fitter you!

Okay so technically you still have to really run.  By virtually running I'm not talking about jogging in place on your Wii.  I'm talking about setting mileage goals and making reaching those goals more fun.  When I started keeping track of my running mileage starting Feb 14th 2011---I set a goal of virtually running from Long Beach Ca to the Canadian border.    Setting goals  is effective way of working your way back into fit shape and can help you stay there.   Once I set this goal of virtually running to Canada and posting about it I basically gave myself extra incentive to reach that goal.   How would it look if I ran to San Francisco and then just gave up??   After posting daily stats that included mileage and which city I was virtually visiting that day,  it would look really bad if I virtually stopped for a hamburger in Eureka and then didn't run again.   Setting a goal is a great way to inspire and motivate you.   I've  run from Long Beach  Ca to Long Beach Washington so far and now I'm virtually heading towards Seattle.  Making my runs virtual has been a fun way to keep me going and virtually visit places along the west coast.   So whether you are just starting or you have been running for awhile, why not make it a virtual run to inspire yourself to keep it up.

You could start in your home town and run somewhere fun that you would like to visit.   Or how about a virtual run through some vacation destination that you hope to someday visit.    You could track your mileage and check out online all the places you have virtually visited.    So start virtually running today or join me along the rest of my virtual journey.

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