Sunday, July 31, 2011

The HE Fat Summer Challenge of 2011 13 Miles and a slice of Cheescake!

After a few cocky comments after a 6 mile run a few weeks ago  when I said.   "I can run a half marathon no problem....and I don't even need to train"........(warning don't try this at home).    I was greeted of course with a challenge to do it then......Well this goes against everything I've ever said about half marathons or marathons and how crazy I think they are and how the human body wasn't built to do that.   But sometimes you have to back up your mouth when it runs off and makes cocky comments.    I spent a couple of weeks trying to get some kind of reward for the endeavor  saying "If their is no reward than what is the point?"  I'm not some Japanese game show contestant so I don't compete for just  (The pride of competing)  -- I'm American   --we  compete for prizes.....Whether it is a silly ribbon or a "free" t-shirt , whatever --we need something for our efforts.....

Unable to get my wife to agree to a prize of the kind I was wanting and after a week of 6 mile runs where I kept pumping it up in my mind to just do it already to prove that I could and then talking myself out of it mid run,  I finally decided to just post it and go all in.  So Now I'm pot committed to use another poker term.   13 miles on Saturday the 13th at the beach.   Think of it as this years  Brad's Stud Run Swim Run for Fun.   (Or Brad's  Fun Run for Cheesecake)   The slice of Cheesecake is the award I'm giving myself.   I needed some type of prize .  And I'm getting around the whole  (I'll never do a half marathon thing )  by just doing it myself and not as a part of some organized event where i have to pay  $100 for the chance to run 13 miles....

It will be interesting....I hope I finish....I know the first 10 miles should be no problem....I can run 8 and still feel like I have energy leftover.......It is those last 3 that worry me......Once it is over ---never again will i have to worry about it.    My bragging about how i could do it no problem will be satisfied and  the Cheesecake will be mine!

"UMMMMMMM Cheesecake!"

Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 30th Daily Stats

July 30th

6 Mile run  morning run

Total Running so far since Feb 14th  464.85

Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 28th daily stats

July 28th

6 Mile run  morning run

Total Running so far since Feb 14th  458.85

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stud Ironmen Challenge (a look back at the end of last summer...A goal achieved

Last year I created an event to get motivated in order to get in better shape.

"Time to see if your Fat, Old , Lazy Ass can still finish the Stud Iron Man we used to do as kids in Jr Lifeguards.....Running and Swimming the length of the Beach in the LB.....(We will skip the pier --don't want anyone to drown or get caught by a Fisherman)....But we can attempt the rest of it.......Meet at the beach and bring it....".

The photos are from a practice run I did before hand to mark out which bouys we would swim around in the challenge.

I ended up being the only fool to do the whole thing.....Many said they may come and didn't.
The event was a total succes for me....12 bouys and 4 miles on the beach and I felt incredible at the end. The water was damn cold if I ever do it again it will be mid Summer not the end of Summer....But it was a great measuring stick for my being in better shape.  Much improvement would still come after that as I would eventually break through more barriers ....But this was a great example of how setting a goal --whether it is a 5K or something more ambitious can help you in reaching your excercise goals...

Here was a shout out to those that helped out.

Thanks to Ron , Caitln and Dennis for Making Brad's 1st Run Swim Run for Fun amazing.....The water was cold.....The birds were mocking me from atop the bouys ----but it felt great truly exhilarating.....Hell Yeah --where is my shirt....
September 18, 2010 at 11:55am ·

July 27th daily stats

July 27th

6 Mile run  morning run

4.4 Afternoon run

Total Running so far since Feb 14th  452.85

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Beware of the Fair! A Guide to not Eating Fair Food that will make you fat

Tonight we head to the fair in order to see a concert......Here is a quick little HE FAT's guide of what not  to eat if you want to not be a HE FAT.....Don't get me wrong I will need a treat . (Maybe a nice safe  Frozen Lemonade)...But nothing FRIED or on a STICK......Some of the food at the fair is just scary......I won't even tell my story about the horrible food poisoning I got once at the LA Fair that I can't even look at the booth anymore........Needless to say it was horrible.......There are so many bad things to eat at the fair it is insane.     Everywhere you turn it is FRIED this or  DEEP FRIED that......I can still feel the Australian Batter Potatoes sitting in the bottom of my stomach from one year a long time ago.....

Really who needs a stick of Fried Butter ?
Chocolate Covered Bacon.....Been there Done that  (never again)

Now this actually makes me hungry....Just keep walking

Beware of the Pig that runs a BBQ......

My friend Danny searched for this treat for over 40 minutes.....He liked it  NOT SO MUCH


As  if Twinkies weren't  nasty enough already

Damn I want a 10 pound donut now.....

This is just a sample of the outrageous food to be found at the fair ....
beware of the fair!

Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22nd Daily Stats

July 22nd  Track workout.     

1.3Miles to Long Beach State track
1.5 Mile track warmup
4  440's  and  4 220's   1.5 miles 
1.5 Mile warmdown
1.3 Mile home

7.1 Miles total

.821 mile swim

Total Running so far since Feb 14th  431.45

Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 21st Daily Stats

July  20th   


July 21st    6 mile run
Total Running so far since Feb 14th  424.35

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 19th Daily Stats

July  19th   

1 Mile Swim

Total Running so far since Feb 14th  418.35

Monday, July 18, 2011

Staying off the Scale

Sometimes it is a good idea to just stay off the scale....The scale can sometimes create a defeatist attitude...Weight goes up and down depending on the time of day etc....and sometimes if you are looking for a long term weight loss it is a good idea to just not weigh yourself at all....  When I really got into this I didn't weigh myself for over a year.....until finally the curiosity was killing me and I had to check.
Judge your progress by how much better you feel and by fitting into a smaller and smaller size pair of pants.

July 18th Daily Stats

July 17th

Nada   Disneyland day

July  18th   
6  mile run 
1 Mile Swim

Total Running so far since Feb 14th  418.35

Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 16th Daily Stats Virtual run to Canada

July 16th
1 hour plus of bodysurfing

3.33 Mile Run

Total Running so far since Feb 14th  412.35   2011

I just arrived in San Francisco on my Virtual run to Canada
Here is a link about this virtual stop on my run from Long Beach Ca to Canada

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Hill: Conquering the Hill

Once the pool closed due to the penguins taking over because it got so damn cold.....It was time to kick the running up a notch....and that meant --starting to run regularly and trying to the conquer hurdles...LIKE THE HILL......The signal hill run...About 4 miles total distance with THE HILL right in the middle of the run.... and it was a challenge at first...It took me many attempts before I was able to mentally conquer it....and that is basically what it boiled down to.....Conquering it mentally.... Telling yourself to keep running and push through the part that you want to so badly walk through....

I would do THE HILL run about once a week for quite awhile  before finally pushing through the mental barrier that was holding me back.....

Victory is mine----Take that you dried up old hill with your empty well and your weird Unity Penis Statue.

July 13th Daily Stats

July 12th  

July 13th
6 Mile Run

Total Running so far since Feb 14th  398.62

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 9th Daily stats

July 7th

1 mile swim

July 8th 
1  Mle swim
5  Mile Run   

July 9th  
.5 mile swim
6 mile run

Total Running so far since Feb 14th  392.62