Monday, June 27, 2011

Mixing it up: Running with Bees?

I Hit PCH for a little  Seal Beach to Bolsa run along the ocean side of PCH.....i...The  6 mile round trip  run started at the Taco Bell in Seal Beach --running over the bridge past all the Navy stuff and desert like dirt trail.   I headed in Surfside Sunset area on the beach side..  And then-I faced  the Gauntlet of Bees that I would have to run through to get there.....I felt like I was in one of my own Pineappleman Adventures....  Facing the angry hoard of bees to reach the treasure .

So After running with arms raised to protect my face... zig zagging to avoid the hundred or more angry bees  (which I'm sure must have looked interesting to the people driving by---like some crazy person swinging their arms in the air on the side of the road)....I thought what and interesting new challenge.....I can see the fake Exercise product now.

LOSE WEIGHT  By RUNNING with Bees........It works out both your arms and legs as you swing them wildly in order to protect yourself from bee stings....Plus it gets your adrenalin pumping to burn extra calories.......All you have to do is send  $19.99 today and you will get a free bag of angry bees ...Then just release them at the beginning of your run for a run filled bee run......Order today and we will give you a second bag of angry bees for free.....That is right...2 Bags of angry running bees for the price of one....(Not liable for bee stings...Do not order if you are allergic to bees)

I kept thinking of that Simpsons episode where Homer Says:

Homer: Or what? You’ll release the dogs, or the bees, or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you? Well, go ahead—do your worst!

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