One of the big obstacles or excuses to not exercising is time.....Many times over the years...I had just complained that I didn't have time to exercise....In my friend's Fitness podcast Fat to Fit
They constantly talk about living the life of the thinner person you want to be........Which is the best advice that they give...You have to change you.....The way you eat (That was a tough one for me that I'm still fighting) and the way you spend your day.....I had to fit exercise into my life and make it a part of my life again....I used to exercise non-stop when I was young......In Jr High ...It was Jr Lifeguards in the Summer....Club Soccer in the Fall...Basketball , Track and Baseball......In High School.....X-Country, Soccer and Track.....I was always on the go....An Athlete....
Then came life , work and the grind ....It was so much easier to just sit on the couch and turn on the TV and drive thru and grab fast food.....Then to run or swim or whatever other activity might be your thing.....
I had to make time for Exercise in my life first it was difficult to convince myself to run or swim several times a week....Now it is just apart of who I am...
Podcasts are a great way to multi-task and make double use of your exercise time.....I just download a podcast like my friend Russell's FAT TO FIT
and not only I'm I exercising and burning calories --but learning something or being entertained at the same time........(which helps to drive out that inner voice telling you that it is too hard,,,or that it is okay to walk)
So every Monday I listen to my favorite Disney podcasts on my run --which makes me look forward to running that day because I look forward to listening to that show.
Or I download a Podcast of Surf music
basically killing 2 birds with 1 stone.....Accomplishing my exercise goals while enjoying music --or learning about staying fit or hearing about the new ride in Disneyworld at the same time
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